Friday, May 20, 2011

National War Labor Board

                                                                             National War Labor Board

  The National War Labor Board was a federal agency created in April or 1918. President Woodrow Wilson was the one who created this agency. The purpose of the National War Labor Board was to arbitrate fights between the workers and the owners. The National War Labor Board was disbanded after the big war in May 1919. After the NWLB the membership increased tremendously. The National War Labor Board was reestablished by president Franklin. It wage controlled most of the business and industries like Cars, Ships, Railroads, and the air.

       The effect of the National War Labor Board was that many jobs were lost and that wasn't good at all. If numerous of people lost their jobs what would be the out come of the wars. A lot of weapons wouldn't be created for the war and nothing would be won and nothing would be lost. The National War Labor Board started in (1942),and ended ( 1945). The NWLB was successful for the time being but it ended to quick.

                                                                              On The Job For Victory

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


                                                                                   world War 1      One of the causes for World War 1 was imperalism. Imperalism was when another country was trying to take over a weaker country. The second cause of World War 1 was nationalism. Nationalsm is when someone has good pride in their country. Most of the people really loved there country. The third major cause of World War 1 was militarism. Militarism was when anything was about to happen the army was ready to fight no matter what. The last major reason for the war was the alliances. Many country were in aliiances with other countrys. For example Britain,France, and Belgium.
        The out burst of the war was the assiassination of the prince and his wife. The reason the U.S. got pulled into the war was because they were in alliance with France,and Great Britain. The United States declared war on Germany. Germany violated the U.S. neutrality, when they sunk the Luisatania and killed 128 Americans. The United States interferred with the Zimmermann Telegram. The Telegram was going to Mexico and it said"that if you help us in the war we would give you some of your land back".
   I think that war was very well played. Before the United States got pulled into the war Germany was trying to end it. When the U.S. interferred with the Zimermann Telegram it turned the whole war around. If Germany didnt sink the ship the war would of never happened. The U.S. is stupid because the British said "dont come around the island or else we will blow up the ship and we dont care if it is just a crusier ship" The United States took a risk with doing that and for that cause 128 Americans were killed. The U.S. was ignorant to me for not listening to the command.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Two Laws Concerning The Same Issue

                                                          THE DAWES ACT
  The Dawes Act was was passed on February 8 1887. The Dawes Act is when they couldnt extend the territory that was occupied. In  1893 President Grover Cleveland appointed the Dawes Commission to make a deal  with the Cherokees, Creeks, Choctaws, Chickasaws, and the siminloes. Alot of people did not like the idea of the Dawes Act. After they made a deal with these tribes many other lawes and acts were passed. After negotiation came wonders with different things happening.

                                                                               Homestead Act
         The Homestead Act stated  that any citizen or about to be  citizen could claim 160 acres of land  - one quarter square mile - of the  government land. If you lived there for more than five years the land will become yours. People dreamed of having a family live on a farm. There were many people buying house so that they can have acres to grow crops. By the 1850's everyone already had a piece of the land. Little by little the land started to become cramped. The land between Missouri and the Rocky Mountains were claimed by the Indians.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Splendid Little War

                                                                                   Yahoo Images                       Yes I think Newspapers and T.V. can stir up a war. When news reporters write sometimes they dont get the wholer story and then the guess the rest. T.V reporters are on the scene when it happens and they pretty much have the whole story in front of them. most of the news they give is not 100% accurate. When things like these happen they might say something wrong and that is the start of a war.
       If i lived in Europe i would not be convinced that the U.S. has world power by taking over France. France is only one Country doesnt mean that they can be any state or country. Sometimes the U.S might win and sometimes they might lose. Rarely the time there would be a country that has equal power like the U.S. After that their could be serious effects.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

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W.E.B Du Bois vs Booker T Wshington

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W.E.B Du Bois                                                                  Booker T Washington
                                Booker T Washington was born a slave. His mother was a slave and his father was a slave owner. Booker T Washington was an american educator. Most importantly Booker T Washington was in charge of the Tuskegee instititute.He wanted to teach african americans how to read and write. Booker T washington tought himself  how to read and write.
W.E.B Du Bois was an  intellectual american leader. He was born on Feruary 23 1868 and he died in August 27 1963 W.E.B Du Bois graduated from Harvard University. W.E.B Du Bois was in charge of the (NAACP). He was born in Massachusetts. At first he wasnt popular after everything he did he was more paid attention to.