Wednesday, April 20, 2011


                                                                                   world War 1      One of the causes for World War 1 was imperalism. Imperalism was when another country was trying to take over a weaker country. The second cause of World War 1 was nationalism. Nationalsm is when someone has good pride in their country. Most of the people really loved there country. The third major cause of World War 1 was militarism. Militarism was when anything was about to happen the army was ready to fight no matter what. The last major reason for the war was the alliances. Many country were in aliiances with other countrys. For example Britain,France, and Belgium.
        The out burst of the war was the assiassination of the prince and his wife. The reason the U.S. got pulled into the war was because they were in alliance with France,and Great Britain. The United States declared war on Germany. Germany violated the U.S. neutrality, when they sunk the Luisatania and killed 128 Americans. The United States interferred with the Zimmermann Telegram. The Telegram was going to Mexico and it said"that if you help us in the war we would give you some of your land back".
   I think that war was very well played. Before the United States got pulled into the war Germany was trying to end it. When the U.S. interferred with the Zimermann Telegram it turned the whole war around. If Germany didnt sink the ship the war would of never happened. The U.S. is stupid because the British said "dont come around the island or else we will blow up the ship and we dont care if it is just a crusier ship" The United States took a risk with doing that and for that cause 128 Americans were killed. The U.S. was ignorant to me for not listening to the command.

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